Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Media Day

China has taken a very strong approach towards this crisis and will stick with our plans to relieve the problems caused by The Taliban. Today, May 19th, China as well as many other leading nations involved in this crisis met with media to answer many of the citizens concerns and questions. China wanted to use the media and this day to share to the world that it will never comply to the demands of a terrorist group. The Taliban is not a civilized nation, they have no basic guidelines, no political constitution, and no moral guidelines. China and i will never negociate with a group that acts in these ways and conducts terrorism. Therefore, China has provided and will keep providing its full efforts and capabilities into creating a decisive UN plan. As a leading member of the UN Security council, the Chinese nation feels strongly responsible to aid Pakistan and take down The Taliban. As of this moment, China will not use forces until a plan is created and it is one that has no faults and will not fall through. Although China has not taken action as of yet, we have gathered intelligence on the Taliban and are well aware of their capabilities. If need be, my troops and nation are ready to act and will be prepared for the worst. Leading Chinese officials have met everyday with the two main Muslim organizations within China. We have learned almost everything about The Taliban, their history, their capabilities, and their religous viewpoints. I would like the media and citizens of the world to know that matters will be resolved and the Taliban will be taken care of. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Response to Conference/Press Release Day 1

Today as my fellow nations gave their responses to the Taliban’s takeover in Pakistan, the Chinese nation developed great intelligence and ways to aid this crisis. The Taliban’s demands were awfully strict and need to be spoken upon in UN conferences. Although Chinese relations with Israel are minimal, my forces as well as their allies will not allow a nuclear war to occur. Luckily, in this dispute there are no defined enemies within the UN Security Council or conferences. All the nations involved are working to resolve this hazardous problem and relieve the Taliban from its power in Pakistan. In terms of the Taliban’s requests, The Peoples Republic of China is completely against negotiations with terrorist organizations and will try to convince other nations to be against it as well. Terrorists are ruthless and can never be trusted. The leader of Pakistan spoke today and mentioned the importance of not acting independently against the Taliban until a distinctive plan is reached. He believes that if a nation were to take any small action against The Taliban it could result in a nuclear warfare. Therefore, as leader of the Chinese nation I will abide by his requests unless my own people are in serious jeopardy. Today in their press release, India had suggested that Pakistan should close its borders to Afghanistan to halt the movement of Taliban officials. I think that this decision would be too abrupt and might stir up more problems. The India leader also suggested that the Chinese nation should offer its support to Pakistan. Not only have I been in direct communication with the Pakistani leaders, but I have also offered my full support. I have 35 different committees gathering intelligence and information on this situation and my forces are ready if need be. As a response to India, I suggest that in this time of conflict the Indian nation should reach out to Pakistan and offer their support as well. The Taliban hopes to break apart the relationships of foreign nations, especially between India and Pakistan whom have had past conflicts between them. If India were too reach out to the Pakistani leaders with their support it would frighten the Taliban and create a stronger allied force against the terrorists. I believe that the allied nations are moving in the correct path and will defeat this terrible terrorist regime.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Response to NUCLEAR TALIBAN!!!!

Dear World Citizens, Government Officials, The UN, and world partners to the Peoples Republic of China,

 At this moment in time the people of China and I are outraged with the crisis in Pakistan. China is appalled and continues to have a strong hatred for these rebellious terrorist organizations. As President, General Secretary of the Politburo Standing Committee, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission I am committed to aid Pakistan with my full efforts on the negotiation stage. Our foreign policy from the time of the great Deng Xiaoping has been primarily peaceful and open to treaties and negotiations with our partners. With a population of 1,338,156,900 as of May 10th 2009, China has been mainly working on improving its infrastructure, standard living conditions of its people, modernization, a growing economy, and strong political organization. In terms of foreign policy, China devotes itself actively to pushing forward the cause of international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. To date, China has joined great treaties related to international arms control and non-proliferation with its trading partners. Although China has tried to remain neutral to foreign conflicts in recent years, we have many worries concerning the alleged terrorist groups residing in our neighboring countries. Although the Chinese nation has created settlements with its neighbors concerning border control and military occupation, I believe that groups such as the Taliban may not follow our settled agreements especially if they have taken control of nuclear warheads. Also, since I govern over almost 50,000,000 Islamic citizens of China living in almost every one of our regions, I am well aware of “Sharia Law” and its violations of basic human rights. Although the UN will be dealing with a destructive terrorist regime, I intend to abide by our treaties with Pakistan and continue to negotiate on the terms of nuclear weaponry and hazardous military terrorist organizations. As a strong member of the UN Security Council I will make sure that a decision is reached for the good of the Pakistani People and the continuing stability of their government.    - Hu Jintao

Friday, May 8, 2009

Homework #4

Assignment #4:

· What country in the sim do you share your country’s religion or religions?
- India(share Islam,Christianity, Buddhism)
-Buddhism (originated in S. India)
- Pakistan (share Islam)
-Chinese Governments dislike Muslims in China (don’t like colonialism to their country)
- Iran (share Islam)
-European Nations-France,England,etc (share Christianity/Islam)
-Christianity/Islam fast growing religion in China
-Government against growth of religion
-wants there to be less religion as possible
-USA(shares Islam,Christianity)
-The role religion plays in China is very unique
-. The Chinese religions are family-oriented and, unlike Western religions, do not demand the exclusive adherence of members. Some scholars question the use of the term "religion" in reference to Buddhism and Daoism, and suggest "cultural practices" or "thought systems" as more appropriate names
-Most nations around the world promote a membership or strong connection with a certain religion
-China and its Government believes that religion should be more of a praise to your ancestors and a “way of thought” not necessarily a “way of practice”
-believe that large religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) practices would distract China’s path to economic growth and societal improvement
-China’s government has declared itself atheist. They view religion as emblematic of feudalism and foreign colonialism.
· Does your country object to any, all, or some of the religions of another country?
- Chinas censorship in their own country to restrict religion has reflected back to other nations
o Islamà Pakistan, India,Iran ( feel offended when China censors Islamic practice)
o Christianityà USA,France, England, ( feel offended when China censors Christian practice)
· Define Sharia?
· What role does Sharia play in your country?
· What role does religion and state play in your country?

- Religion in past china
-more of beliefs than practice -diffused in everyday society-Government tries to be Non-Religious to not create problems-believe that religion is a “relic of the past”-Foreign Religions growing in China
- not liked by head of government

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Assignment #3:
Your Country’s military information

-What is the numerical size of your military
-around 2,810,000

-Using www.state.gov as your guide, list your countries weapons(this includes chemical,nuclear, conventional(tank),naval, and aeronautical)
Tanks: 7,580
Biological/Chemical: China ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in December 1996, declaring two former chemical weapons (CW) production facilities that may have produced mustard gas and Lewisite. Since 1997, China has hosted 14 on-site inspections by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Although China claims that it no longer possesses any CW stockpiles, the U.S. government believes that China has not revealed the full scope of its program. China has signed a bilateral agreement with Japan to destroy CW that Japan abandoned in Chinese territory during World War II.

Missles: China has a wide range of balistic missles. Tghey have many short range missles to intercontinental missles(ICBMs). China has provided technology and expertise to the missile programs of several countries, including Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea. China has not joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), but has pledged to abide by its main parameters. Concerns about Chinese missile technology transfers continue.

Nuclear:China's nuclear weapons program began in 1955 and culminated in a successful nuclear test in 1964. Since then, China has conducted 45 nuclear tests, including tests of thermonuclear weapons and a neutron bomb.China is estimated to have about 400 strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, and stocks of fissile material sufficient to produce a much larger arsenal. China joined the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1984 and acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1992 as a nuclear weapon state.In 2002 China ratified the IAEA Additional Protocol, the first and only nuclear weapons state to do so.

-Quickly List your county’s greatest rivals chemical, nuclear,conventional,naval, and aeronautical capabilities 
-United States-: 
5 different branches-
Air Force
Coast Guard  

Total Weapon Holdings: 38,538,000
As one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the United States maintains a sizeable arsenal of nuclear weapons, including approximately 10,350 intact warheads, 5300 of which are considered active or operational. Approximately 4,530 strategic warheads are operational, 1,150 of which are deployed on land-based missile systems (Minuteman and Peacekeeper ICBMs), 1,050 on bombers (B-52 and B-2), and 2,016 on submarines (Ohio-class subs). 780 are tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs), and consist of an estimated 200 Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles (TLAM/N), and 580 B61 bombs.
Manpower available for military service:

males age 16-49: 72,715,332 
females age 16-49: 71,638,785 (2008 est.)

-Is your country a nuclear power? Approximately how many nuclear weapons does your country have? Provide a source for this information. Do not use Wikipedia

Yes, China is a Nuclear Power.
125- NationMaster.com

How is this country related geographically to the other?
- China and The USA are very far from one another
-cruise missle would not be able to reach either country with their distance

-List the countries connected to your country by land
-Mongolia,N.Korea,Vietnam,Bhutan,Myanmar,Laos,India,Pakistan,Nepal, Kirgzestan,Kazachstan, Russia

-Is there a territory outside of your borders that has a cultural, religious, or historical signifigance to you that makes your country( citizens and government) feel invested in?
-Pakistan (Religous-Islam)
-Mongolia(Historical-Kublai Khan)
-Taiwan ( Historical preservation ties)


Assignment #2:
How is your country related historically to the other(s)?

List five historical ties (treaties, peace agreements, trade pacts, etc.) since 1914 between your country and the two others countries assigned for this homework.
· Sino-Pakistani Boundary Treaty (October 1st 1963)
· Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (1968)
· The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good-Neighborly Relation (January 4th 2006)
· 6th Sino-Pakistani Agreement (December 15th, 2008)
· Sino-Indian Tibetan Agreement (April 29, 1954)
· Sino-Indian Trade Agreement (October 14, 1954)
· Non proliferation Treaty (2006)

Has your country fought any significant wars, or battles, against each other directly, indirectly, or through proxy since 1914? If so, list the wars, or proxy wars, these countries have fought against yours since 1914

Pakistan: No wars (has had very peaceful relationship)
· Sino-Indian War (Border Dispute) 1962
· Small incidents/skirmishes throughout 60’s, 70.s, 80’s

Does your country have any significant religious disagreements with the two other countries assigned that reach back through the centuries (and yes this can precede 1914)

Islam vs. Chinese religion/belief
Islamic migrants moved from Pakistan area to China in Tang Dynasty by Silk Road (650 Caliph sent first envoy to China lands)
Historical conflicts to right of land
Now 3-5% Chinese
i. 3 sects
1. Hui
2. Uyghurs
3. Kazakhs
Raises anti-Chinese Nationalism (disliked by Confucian belief in government)
· Buddhism (8.5%) Chinese population originated in India
· Disputes between Chinese/ Indian Buddhists (peaceful religion so no fighting)
· India mostly Hindu
o 2nd largest religionà ISLAM (raises disputes with Muslim Pakistan)
o Problems for China

Historically has the relationship been your countries and the two other countries (individually) been amicable, hostile, or neutral? Briefly (6-8 Sentences) explain

As the US/India pack strengthens the agreements and peaceful relationship b/w China and Pakistan has grown. They share boundary pacts, friendship agreements, military support, and nuclear power funding. They have agreed to support each other’s economies by offering unlimited trading of natural resources and imports/exports. Although here is some religious disagreement between Islam and the ancient Chinese beliefs, the Sino-Pakistani relationship has been strong. Unfortunately, this strong relationship has created a higher level of hatred towards India and the USA over the past years.

The Sino-Indian relationship has been controversial and has ranged from times of war to times of peace. Being the two most populated and fast growing economies in the world, their relationship is crucial to world relations. They have rivaled in their attempts of superiority and their disputes over Islam, Buddhism, borders, resources, and Pakistan. Lately, the Chinese and Indian leaders have tried to reunite and strengthen trading, diplomatic, and military ties

How do their government systems compare? One sentence answer is fine
Pakistan: My country is Communist and Pakistan is considered a federal republic.
My country is Communist and India is considered a federal republic.

What major military and political treatises does your country share with the other countries since the TREATY OF VERSAILLES? List these treaties

· Sino-Pakistani Boundary Treaty (October 1st 1963)
· Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (1968)
· The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good-Neighborly Relation (January 4th 2006)

· Sino-Indian Tibetan Agreement (April 29, 1954)
· Sino-Indian Trade Agreement (October 14, 1954)
· Non proliferation Treaty (2006)

Is your country currently recognized by the United Nations? If not, explain why
China's seat in the United Nations and membership of the United Nations Security Council has been occupied by the People's Republic of China (PRC) since October 25, 1971.

8. Does your country share the same type of economic system as the two countries you are asked to compare? What is the type of economy? If they are different economies what is the difference between the two?

· CHINA/Pakistan agreed to an achievement of 15 billion dollars in trade (2008)
· Pakistan= blend of socialism and Communism (but has very capitalistic goals
· China= Capitalist
· Chinas economy provides a greater opportunity for the middle class/wealthy to prosper themselves and their own country
· Pakistan has equal rights for its citizens and attempts to provide equal financial opportunities
· China and Pakistan both share the want to raise their economies/ militaries/ and resource stock

· India was run by socialist-based economic policies from 50’s-80’s
· Economy is more capitalistic and market-based now a days
· India’s economy is fast moving and benefits a lot off of its trades and agreements with outside countries
· China and India both have growing economies with a billion people to fund and watch over
o They both struggle to raise economic and infrastructure while keeping up the standard of lignin for all citizens


Assignment #1I. General Questions : Country

1. What is your countrys governmental system? Provide a Definition…
Communist State; a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
List five important events in your country’s history since 1914

· 1916-27: Warlord Era
· 1921: communist party founded
· 1949: People’s republic founded
· 1989: Student movement (Tian’anmen massacre)
· 2008: Beijing Olympics
What is your country’s economic system?
“China's economy during the past 30 years has changed from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade to a more market-oriented economy that has a rapidly growing private sector and is a major player in the global economy.” (CIA.GOV)
List your nations five largest trading partners?
· Japan
· German
· South Korea
· Taiwan/Hong Kong
What is the monetary size of your domestic and foreign debt?
Domestic: $420.8 Billion
Foreign: $393 Billion
To which country does your country owe the most money?
- most nations have debt to China (owe money to China)
What is the numerical size of your standing and reserved armed forces?
Are you a nuclear power?
- Total nuclear arsenal- 125
List your countrys most important cultural values
Social values; derived from Confucianism/Taoism/Conservatism
- “guanxi” à “relations over rules” promotes nationalism/ unity

To what extent, if any, does your government control media and culture? Briefly describe

-government harasses journalists/reporters
- growing economy allows less censorship
- bigger populationà bigger demand for public information (hard for government to restrict and conduct media controls)
- American writer Elizabeth C. Economy says the Chinese government is in a state of “schizophrenia” about media policy as it “goes back and forth, testing the line, knowing they need press freedom—and the information it provides— but worried about opening the door to the type of freedoms that could lead to the regime’s downfall.”

List your countrys most important resources
-coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, uranium, hydropower potential (world's largest)
List the important resources your country is lacking? i.e what does it need to import a great deal of?
-machinery and equipment, mineral fuels, plastics, iron and steel, chemicals
What is your countrys population?
1,338,612,968 (MAY 2009)

What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of your people are this religion?
Chinese folk believers

Buddhism- largest organized religion in China

List other religions, if there are any, which play an important role in your country?

- (see above)
- religion in china is more of a tradition than a full-time practice
-most Chinese people focus on ancestor worship as their main focus in worship
- Chinese observe past beliefs- Daoins/Confuscianism/ Buddhism

What is your government’s policy towards religion and state?

- Religion in past china
-more of beliefs than practice
-diffused in everyday society
-Government tries to be Non-Religious to not create problems
-believe that religion is a “relic of the past”
-Foreign Religions growing in China
- not liked by head of government
